Monday, August 11, 2014

How my blog feels...

I can't believe I have deserted this place for 5 months.  Whoopsie!

I have worked out hard and then not and then some again and not at all.  My workouts have been and are anything but predictable.  And since I am currently in a summer induced hiatus (that's my story and I'm sticking to it), I've decided it's a good a time as ever to change things up again.

This blog served primarily to keep me fitness focused and motivated during my pregnancy and after.  Unfortunately, since I am back to my old "me", it's not functioning as a motivator anymore.  I still like dabbling in the social media outlets and since coming out here is pretty time consuming, I thought microblogging could be the next step in my endeavors.

I've revisited my tumblr page and will be posting on there.  I can reblog things a la pinterest style as well as adding new content of my own.  In addition to fun workouts or fitness tips that I come across, I'll enjoy updating it with the other things that float my, fashion, music, technology, food, parenting, travelling fashionably while parenting with the help of music, technology and food! Ha!  Come follow me and please let me know what you'd like to see more of.  I'll try to keep things fun and fresh and definitely full of adventure!!

See ya there!
