Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Brace yourself for a grueling Week 33 update

NOT.  ...more like practically nonexistent.

Sometimes schedules and energies must be on polar opposites to make things happen for me.  Schedule is tight but energy high?  I FIND a way to make it happen.  Schedule wide open but no energy? The guilt of having the time makes it happen.  Schedule tight, energy low? Doomed.  It's not gonna happen. That's week 33 in a nutshell (and by the looks of week 34, it too).

M - 110 squats, 1:16 plank, 3 yoga challenges
T - 2mi walk, 115 squats, 1:15 plank, 2 yoga challenges
W - off - M's bday
TH - Aerial Tone, 120 squats, 2 yoga challenge poses
F - 125 squats
S - off - Staycation at Resort
S - 4.2 mi run/125 squats, 1:15 plank, 1 yoga challenge

Perhaps a surge of energy will come this week (34) because the schedule is not looking so good with all the back to school activities, doctors appointments and an overwhelming workload (for both of us) to make this a more active week than last.  It's not looking so good though...wish me luck!

Hope you have better luck getting out there!


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